Senior Composition Recital

Urness Recital Hall 1500 St. Olaf Avenue, Northfield, MN, United States

Senior composition recital for completion of my Bachelor of Music in Theory and Composition at St. Olaf College. reception to follow – themed menu by David Alscher Fanfare on “Dies Irae” for 9 timpani, 2 players (2015) Michael Betz ‘15, timpani John Kronlokken ‘16, timpani Indra’s Ear: song cycle for bass-baritone, flute (ad lib.), and piano (2015) Indra Song of the Winds Song of the Waves Andrew Curtis ‘15, bass-baritone Yoshi Weinberg ‘15, flute Michael Betz ‘15, piano Text: August Strindberg, from The Dream Play, trans. Edwin Björkman Tombeau(x): sinfonietta for living and dead technologies (2015) Arcadia Musette Extimacy Michael Betz ‘15, electronics, programming

MacNider: Off the Clock

MacNider Art Museum 303 2nd St SE, Mason City, IA, United States

I will be providing jazz piano music for MacNider Art Museum's next Off the Clock event: come enjoy art and refreshments after museum hours!


Justin Staebell and Stanley Rothrock at MNSong Final Concert

BUY TICKETS Students - $12 Seniors - $20 Adults - $25 "Come enjoy the works by the emerging composers selected by Libby Larsen for the second annual MNSong Composers Workshop. Performed by local artists, by emerging composers it doesn't get much better than this!" --Source Song Festival Website My song cycle Indra's Ear (2015) will be performed by Justin Staebell, baritone and Stanley Rothrock, piano.

Indra’s Ear – RenegadeEnsemble – St. Paul Classical Music Crawl

Studio Z 275 East 4th Street, Suite 200, St. Paul, MN, United States

RenegadeEnsemble will perform my song cycle Indra's Ear at Studio Z as part of the St. Paul Classical Music Crawl. It will be paired with David John Lang's Song Without Words for trumpet and piano. Note that my piece will be played from 12:00pm to 2:00pm, but that the Classical Music Crawl goes until 8:00pm.


Indra’s Ear – RenegadeEnsemble – The Baroque Room

The Baroque Room 275 East 4th Street, St. Paul, MN, United States

Justin Staebell, baritone, and Stan Rothrock, piano, will perform my song cycle Indra's Ear (2015) as part of RenegadeEnsemble's fall 2015 concert series. BUY TICKETS HERE - $15 general | $10 students/seniors

$10 – $15

Indra’s Ear – RenegadeEnsemble – Studio Z

Studio Z 275 East 4th Street, Suite 200, St. Paul, MN, United States

Justin Staebell, baritone, and Stan Rothrock, piano, will perform my song cycle Indra's Ear (2015) as part of RenegadeEnsemble's fall 2015 concert series. BUY TICKETS HERE - $15 general | $10 students/seniors

$10 – $15

Tourniquet Noise Series @ Kitty Cat Klub (21+)

I will be performing a dark ambient/noise set as part of the November installment of the Tourniquet Noise Series at the Kitty Cat Klub. Be prepared for a visceral experience. Free but purchase of drink(s) encouraged; the musicians play for the bar. Advertised 9pm start time with likely actual start time of 10pm. I will be going on first. RSVP ON FACEBOOK


Punk Ass Classical

Punk-Ass Basement 2823 9th St S, Minneapolis, MN, United States

WORLD PREMIERE of my new flute work for Joshua Weinberg. Part of the new "Punk Ass Classical" concert series, presenting new and contemporary classical music in an accessible, laid-back, popular format typical of the underground/punk scene. BYOB if desired. $5-10 donation suggested to compensate composers/musicians and to keep the series going. RSVP ON FACEBOOK

$5 – $10

New Ruckus Composer Night – Studio Z

Studio Z 275 East 4th Street, Suite 200, St. Paul, MN, United States

My new suite for solo unaccompanied flute will be performed by Joshua Weinberg as part of the New Ruckus Composer Nights program.


Third Thursday at the Khyber Pass Cafe w/ Kevin Cosgrove

Khyber Pass Cafe 1571 Grand Ave, St. Paul, MN, United States

Part of the Khyber Pass Cafe's improvisational music series. Set 1: Kevin Cosgrove (percussion, electronics) Set 2: Michael Betz (synths, electronics) Set 3: Duo RSVP ON FACEBOOK
